Cocoa Textile
Updated: 2005 January 23
Version: 0.5
CocoaTextile is a Textile Editor for Mac OS X. Using CocoaTextile,
Textile and Markdown can be used to convert plain text to XHTML. Includes all the standard Mac text editing capabilites (e.g. spell-checking, multi-level undo, etc.) and an HTML preview and source view.
Firefox Extension: Next Image
Updated: 2008 June 23
Version: 0.10
A handy little extension for automatically incrementing (numerical) image URLs, allowing you to make your own “ad hoc” image gallery.
Firefox Extension: This Window
Updated: 2008 June 23
Version: 0.8
A pretty trivial extension that adds the ability to force a window to open in the current window. This is helpful if you don’t want to open another browser window.
Buddy Spotlight
Updated: 2005 May 15
Version: 0.1
Buddy Spotlight integrates iChat and Spotlight allowing you to search for online iChat buddies with Spotlight. Simply run Buddy Spotlight and when iChat is online, your buddies will show up in Spotlight. Selecting a buddy in Spotlight will immediately start a new conversation. That means you can start conversations with them from the Spotlight menu, perform queries on which buddies are online or integrate iChat into your workflow!
Updated: N/A
Version: 0.2
Pytego is a two-player, cross-platform, networked clone of the classic boardgame “Stratego” from Milton Bradley. It is developed using Python, PyGame and SDL. It’s out-of-date and probably doesn’t work, but is included here for posterity.
NetHack Patch
Updated: N/A
Version: affected file src/botlc.
This patch colors the Hp monitor at the status line with the tty interface. If your Hp is lower than maxhp but more than 2/3 of max, it is shown green. If it is less than that, but more than 1/3 of max, it is yellow. If it’s less than 1/3 of max, the color is red. And with values less than 1/10 of max, it is highlighted, blinking or whatever your screen shows with the ATR_BLINK attribute.
#define HPMON in include/config.h to activate the patch.
Checked against 3.4.1 ; Bones / save files NOT affected.
Updated: N/A
Version: 0.1
DieRollerApp is a KDE application that simulates rolling the standard D&D dice (e.g. d4, d6, d20, etc.). This was mostly an excuse for me to play around with KDE, QT and KDevelop.