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the official mrchucho blog


Posted 2004 Dec 19

I have added my TODO list to the front page. I added it to help keep track of the things on which I’m working. But… I mostly added it for fun. I hacked the Todo part out of phpicalendar. I only had to extract and modify a handful of phpicalendar files to do this. And, with one very small exception, it required no changes to the phpicalendar install. They peacefully coexist. I’ll be the first to admit, though: I am a total PHP novice. There may be a better way to do this, of course. I was already using phpicalendar to upload my personal iCal calendars—this just seemed like it might be fun.

So, anytime I update my TODO list in iCal, it will be automatically uploaded and displayed on the front page! If anyone is interested, I can post instructions on how to hack add this to your site.

Responses to "TODO List"

Chris Barna

2005 Mar 05 at 04:57

Hey, I would love if you would give instructions on how to do this.


2005 Jan 29 at 15:47

hi I was wondering if you completed “So, anytime I update my TODO list in iCal, it will be automatically uploaded and displayed on the front page! If anyone is interested, I can post instructions on how to hack add this to your site.” Im interesting in displaying calendar information when theres no school on my frontpage. I think your code would help me find a away to capture day events.

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