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Cocoa Textile Updated

Posted 2005 Jan 24

After much procrastination, I have made some minor updates to CocoaTextile. Namely:

  • Ability to apply CSS to the Preview: simply put a stylesheet in ~/Library/Application Support/CocoaTextile/StyleSheets
  • A fancy toolbar!

There are some other behind-the-scenes changes, but nothing too exciting. Feel free to post any comments here or contact me directly—my contact info is in the About… box. Enjoy!

Download: [CocoaTextile-0.02.dmg]

Responses to "Cocoa Textile Updated"


2006 Mar 18 at 17:07

First: thank you for coding such a handy software. Unfortunatly I have 2 big Problems:

- using “Umlauts” (like ä, ü etc.) the whole convertion will not function - I can only save files with version-0.01 (on OS 10.3.9)

Any ideas?


2006 Mar 27 at 19:07

I will look into these issues ASAP. Thanks for your interest!


2006 Jun 01 at 03:22

Just wanted to say that this looks like a very helpful project. Unfortunately, I couldn’t save or convert anything! I look forward to seeing this in action though. Thanks for your work.


Ryan Erwin

2007 Jul 04 at 15:59

I’ve been experimenting with your this evening and I must admit it’s a pretty cool idea. I’m completely surprised that something like this isn’t already a little bit further along.

I did want to give you a quick bug report on two issues that I found.

1) use lib ”.” inside the file doesn’t appear to work under the standard perl on OS X 10.4.10. Error being that Text::Textile isn’t found in @INC. I changed that to the following and it seemed to work fine.

BEGIN { use File::Basename; unshift(@INC, dirname($0)) }

2) The program isn’t unicode safe. The program totally choked on some Chinese that I threw at it. Go ahead and try pasting this into CocoaTextile. Note that the Ruby “RedCloth” library is UTF-8 safe. If you want to keep using a script for this, perhaps RedCloth would be a good choice.

Something in ASCII


3) If you get CocoaTextile tested enough, you could probably encourage some other people to join on the project, perhaps even porting RedCloth to Objective C so that the preview of Textile could be done real time :-)

You’re off to a great start. Best of luck-

Ryan Erwin Shanghai, China

Ryan Erwin

2007 Jul 04 at 16:12

Surprise. Didn’t realize that you already use Textile in the comment box. Just try pasting the following into CocoaTextile and you’ll see what I mean about UTF-8 support:

h3. Something in ASCII h3. 但是大部分的时候我用中文来写
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