iTunes Applescript - Disable Entire Genre
Posted 2005 Feb 13
I have a bunch of Live music in my iTunes library, but I don’t necessarily want it included in my iPod Shuffle when it Autofills. So, I select “Only update checked songs” in iPod preferences and run this Applescript to disable (i.e. uncheck) all songs in my library matching the selected genre.
<pre><code> tell application "iTunes" set theGenre to "" display dialog "Enter Genre:" default answer theGenre set theGenre to text returned of the result copy (a reference to library playlist "Library") to mainLibrary repeat with i from 1 to (get index of last track of mainLibrary) tell track i of mainLibrary ignoring case, punctuation and white space if (get genre of it) is equal to theGenre then set enabled to false end if end ignoring end tell end repeat display dialog "Done!" giving up after 3 end tell </code>Or download: